
Friday, October 22, 2010

Create a Blog

I've just learned to create a blog, just for fun but then I'm interested in creating a good blog, a blog that will visit a lot of people, and there might be first on google search, hehe but it seems it will be hard.
So, this is my first post "create a blog on blogger.com".
First, visit this site www.blogger.com 
- Click sign-up 
- Fill in the requested data, fill in the verification with the words in the image, check the box statement
- Click next
- Give the title of your blog, make your blog address 
- Click next
- Verify your data the way you enter a phone number with country code (example my number: 6285733209xxx, "62" is my country code, Indonesia), wait until you get the verification code sent to your mobile phone
- Enter the verification code that you can into the box provided
- Click verification
- Give the title of your blog, make your blog addres
- Click next 
- Select the template (you can adjust to you like later) 
- Click next
- And then finished, your blog has made.

You can begin to learn to blog, customize the look and start posting.
Thank you, i hope that i convey useful.
I think blogging will be fun, good luck

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